recovering from surgery in an assisted living facilityrecovering from surgery in an assisted living facility

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recovering from surgery in an assisted living facility

When my mother decided to get surgery on both of her knees, we knew that it would be difficult for her to get around for a couple of weeks. We weighed the pros and cons of having her stay in my home while she recovered and did some research about her staying at an assisted living facility up the road from my place. After reading about what I would have to do for her during her recovery, we decided that the medical professionals at the assisted living facility would be best to handle it. Learn about staying at an assisted living facility for surgical recovery here on my blog.

Navigating The Emotional Journey: Conversations With Loved Ones About Senior Living

The transition to a senior living center is more than just a change in address or a downsizing of living space. It signifies a pivotal phase in a person's life, marking the onset of advanced age, the potential decline in physical or cognitive abilities, or even a change in their societal role. The thought of moving from a long-standing family home, where countless memories reside, to a community of unfamiliar faces can evoke a myriad of emotions both for the individual considering the move and for their family. Read More 

4 Common Challenges Of In-Home Care And How To Avoid Them

In-home care is a crucial service that helps older adults and people with disabilities to age in place, maintain their independence, and receive quality care in the comfort of their homes. However, like any other form of healthcare, in-home care has its challenges that caregivers, patients, and families need to be aware of and address proactively. Here are four common challenges of in-home care and how to avoid them. Communication Barriers Read More 

Signs Your Loved One Would Do Well With Home Health Care

When a person gets older, they often entertain a few options for aging healthily and safely. If a person cannot live at home on their own, it's worth it to consider one of two options: nursing home or assisted living care or home health care. If your loved one would rather stay at home and entertain the latter, they may be able to do so. Sometimes a home health care agency can visit a loved one as often as needed or provide a more permanent at-home solution for your loved one's needs while allowing them to live comfortably and safely at home. Read More