Simple Solutions And Medical Devices To Make Everyday Living Easier
If you or someone you love would benefit from just a bit of assistance, consider some of the useful and affordable medical supply options that aim to make everyday living easier.
Some simple solutions include:
Grabbers and extenders.
Extenders, reachers, and grabbers can make a life-altering difference in the everyday life of someone with mobility limitations or issues. All ages can benefit from one of these simple and inexpensive tools, and these are found in various sizes to accommodate the user best. In essence, a grabber extends the reach (hence, the names) so that the individual doesn't run the risk of a fall, loss of balance, or further injury when attempting to perform daily tasks. These are found in very basic styles, as well as with some alluring features, including:
- Telescopic reachers with adjustable length.
- Styles that secure to the user's arm.
- Clip-on grabbers for easy-utility by those using wheelchairs or walkers.
- Grabbers with light-sources to help illuminate the area where the user is reaching.
Foot or step-stools may not seem like something that you only find through medical supply vendors, however don't risk accident or injury by using one that is not deemed safe. A safe stool offers a handrail that is secure and stable; check the manufacturer's recommendations for weight limit and instructions for safe use. Also, make sure that any stool in your home has a non-skid rubber surface to prevent the risk of a fall. Look for steel-based platforms for durability and strength as well as styles with retractable casters for further convenience and mobility options.
Tripods and quadrupeds.
Canes are another area where consumers may feel like they have limited choices- this is not the case! New styles of tripods and quadrupeds offer a stronger sense of security and balance than conventional canes ever could. Today's canes are adjusted to the user, with a firm hand-grip and no-slip surfacing. A tripod is essentially just that: a cane that rests on three sturdy feet; a quadruped offers four-feet to provide stability and strength.
Eating and drinking aids.
Sometimes, an individual needs a little assistance when eating and drinking. These are found in a wide-range of products, aids, and utensils that target the issue and allow the consumer to maintain as much autonomy as possible.
Some of the many adaptive aids include:
- Utensil holders.
- Enlarged-grasp utensils.
- Adjustable trays.
- Dual-handled cups and mugs.
- Clothing protectors and bibs.
- Non-skid dishware.
- Over-the-bed tables.
- Weighted utensils.
- Plate-guards.
- Easy-open canisters, jars, and containers.
Use these suggestions when visiting medical supply venues and sites to find the perfect aids to help with everyday living! For more information, contact a business such as Wellspring Meadows Assisted Living.