recovering from surgery in an assisted living facilityrecovering from surgery in an assisted living facility

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recovering from surgery in an assisted living facility

When my mother decided to get surgery on both of her knees, we knew that it would be difficult for her to get around for a couple of weeks. We weighed the pros and cons of having her stay in my home while she recovered and did some research about her staying at an assisted living facility up the road from my place. After reading about what I would have to do for her during her recovery, we decided that the medical professionals at the assisted living facility would be best to handle it. Learn about staying at an assisted living facility for surgical recovery here on my blog.

How To Find The Right Assisted Living Alzheimer's Care Facility

Could your parent, grandparent, spouse, or other loved one benefit from an Alzheimer's care facility? Before you choose an assisted living option, take a look at how you can find the right residential fit.

Visit More Than One Option

While it's possible the first facility you step foot in is the perfect fit, you won't know until you have something to compare it to. Visit several different facilities in the area. Each tour you take will give a better idea of what your loved one needs and what these types of living arrangements offer.

Schedule Multiple Tours

After you've narrowed down the field, schedule more than one tour at each of your top contenders. Space the tours out so that you get the chance to visit the facility at different times of the day. This should include during structured times, such as meals or activities, as well as unstructured periods.

Talk to the Staff

While your loved one's doctor is crucial to their Alzheimer's care, they aren't the only medical provider who will work with or help your family member in assisted living. When you visit each facility, talk to a variety of staff members. This could include nurses, healthcare assistants, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and activities coordinators, or the program/facility director.

The specific questions you ask depend on your loved one's individual needs and what you want to know. Ask the same questions during each facility tour. This gives you a clear way to compare programs and find the right one for your family member. If you're not sure where to start, ask about the facility's daily schedule, activities and services they offer, and medical care.

Talk to Other Families

How do the patients and their families feel about the facility? Get a first-hand review from someone else who is in the same position as you. Ask family members of the facility's patients why they choose the residential care program, how they feel their loved one benefits from it, and what you should know about the staff or standard of care.

Review Inspection Information

Ask the facility's staff about recent inspections. In most cases, they can provide you with records, documentation, or reports—especially if the facility is licensed by the state or another agency.

Does your family member require specialized Alzheimer's care? An assisted living facility with specialty services can provide your loved one with the services they need right now and in the near-future. From a facility tour to a candid conversation with the staff, you can find the just-right facility that fits your family's needs.